Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Goals 31-8-15

Well, it's the end of the month when I pledged to have my book finished.  So, am I done?

Not quite.

I had a fantastic writing day yesterday where I took myself out of the house and away from all distractions and managed to write 6.5K in an afternoon.  I'm SO close to being done now.  If I could have another afternoon like yesterday, I would be done.  But it's Monday night and I've had a crazy day at work so I know that knocking out even one 2K chapter before I collapse into bed is unlikely.  And I figure I need to write two to really tie up the end of Sam's story.  It took two to tie up Amy's, so it's only fair that Sam gets two as well.

I'll do my best tonight, but I figure it'll be Wednesday by the time I actually finish.  Which I'm okay with.  My deadline was self imposed and the only effect of of not meeting it is a reduction in the time off I allow myself at the end of a project.  I may only get a 5 day break instead of a week.

I'm okay with that.

My plan then is to revise one of the three projects I have sitting around, unrevised.  I hope to get finished with that before NaNo in November because I already have three ideas for a new book and plan to write one of them during NaNo.

Let's see how that works out…

What are your goals this week?


  1. I hate how life always gets in the way of writing. I swear, it's a conspiracy. Good luck on finishing. I hope you find the time.
