Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A new world

Yesterday, I somehow managed to leave the house without my phone. I don't know how I did it because I was talking on it just as I was getting ready to go, but somehow I did. I realized when I got to the bus stop and wanted to look at the time. I don't wear a watch anymore, so I rely on my phone for that information.

For a moment I thought about going back for it. I never go anywhere without my phone, especially on the days I'm not at work. But I didn't. I went into town phone-free.

It was weird. I'm so used to having it, I felt a little lost without it. I kept imagining scenarios where people called with important information, questions or just my sons' school or daycare calling to tell me one of them was sick or hurt. I was also very conscious that I didn't know the time. I had to get back to pick kids up from school, and worried that I might get lost in my dream-world at the library and be late.

By the time I got back to my own suburb, I was beginning to enjoy being unconnected. I decided to do the grocery shopping before I went home so I could do it without any kids trailing after me. There was a kind of freedom in being alone and unable to be contacted. In the pre-cell days (yes, I do remember them) we all accepted that people weren't available 24/7. Sometimes you'd call and they wouldn't be home.

These days we're expected to be available all the time. All day every day. It's kind of exhausting. Sometimes it's good to be off the map for a while.... Says the girl who's getting an i-Phone in the next couple of days.

Do you like being away from your phone? Or is it like a lifeline?


  1. One of the nice things about being a field biologist is being out of cell phone range for long periods of time. Plus, I do some of my best writing when I'm in the field.

  2. It used to be like my right arm. But then I moved to a place without reception, got a job where I can't even take my phone to work, and lost my reliance on it.

    Now I love being without it. When I want to meet someone, I just make sure I'm on time. If I want to chat, I do it in the comfort of my home rather than rushing around town. If people want me, they wait until I'm free.

    I hate being available 24-7. Phones are so rude; they interrupt you, no matter what you're doing, and demand your attention. Being phone-free is a true liberation.

  3. I have to admit I hate being without my phone, it just feels so important, especially if there's an emergency in which I need to contact someone or visa versa.

    Although I do love the feeling of putting the phone away, even leaving it in another room, and being free of that odd responsibility, that I usually put upon myself.

  4. Hey, Kate - did I hear you made it through the first round in ABNA? :)
