Monday, May 2, 2011


I just got a blog award from the lovely Christine, and part of this award involves passing it on to 5 other awesome bloggers. So here are 5 of my favorites, in no particular order.

Loralie Hall whose blog deals with writing and life in such a quirky, interesting way. It's never boring over there, I swear.

Cherie Smith who is an Australian writer whose blog always forces me to think about difficult questions.

YAtopia which is an absolute haven for writers of YA. They also host a lot of fantastic contests.

Juliana L Brandt for her often witty blog about the struggle to write and publish.

Tamara Hart Heiner for her blog which is always entertaining, whether it's about going to the gym or writing a sequel to her first published novel.

So, come and pick up your award, and pass it on to five people you think deserve it!


  1. thanks for thinking of me, girl! It's always nice to get a shout out!

  2. Thank you, Kate! You are too sweet :)

  3. Congratulations on the award, you wear it well ^_^

    And thank you for it. I think that's the sweetest way someone's called me nuts in a long time ;-) Teasing, and thank you again :-D
